
0 LEGO Q3 survey results

SKP4472 | 22:31 | |
The LEGO community team has now published the results of the 3rd quarter survey. The outcome of the survey has been detailed in the statement below:
Dear LEGO fan community,

We hereby share top line, aggregated results of the last quarterly LEGO Fan Survey which was conducted in Sept/Oct 2012. This survey was much shorter than the extensive May 2012 survey. The goals for the survey were to gauge fan social engagement and activity online."

Over 2.500 LEGO fans over the age of 13 participated in the survey. In every region, a majority of you who participated in the survey are 25 to 44 years old. Participation by teen fans was lower than usual. 8% of the respondents were women.

At the time of the survey, participants were more likely to recommend LEGO products than at any point in the past few years. You apparently liked recent new products and special offers for regular LEGO purchasers. LUG members, 58% of respondents, were no more likely to recommend LEGO, but they do claim to spend more than $100 more on LEGO products per month compared to non-members.

Compared to fan survey respondents in Spring of 2010, participants in this survey are more socially active online. As you might expect, social networking accounts for much of the change, with two thirds of you now regularly conversing online. Among those of you older than 18, greater than half contribute to forums and Facebook at least once a week. 59% read online forums every day.

33% read blogs every day. 31% update their profile and converse on a social network daily. Notably, only 36% of respondents regularly upload photos or videos, unchanged from Spring 2010. LUG members are more active than non-members in almost every category.

The data also show that fans not only passively visit many LEGO fan community websites but also log in and post, share, bookmark, comment, discuss, and converse on many of them. The survey asked about several websites, some TLG-owned and some independent. Over 90% of you check out, but you prefer other websites for interacting with content and with each other. On Eurobricks and on Brickset, approximately 85% of you visit and 65% of you are active. These rates rival Flickr and YouTube. The latter attracts over 90% of LEGO fans, with two-thirds doing more than just watching. Sites with a more limited geographic reach like FBTB Forum and 1000Steine also engage a higher percentage of fan visitors. MOCpages attracts more of you than Brickshelf and actively engages a higher percentage of those of you who visit.

While greater than 8 in 10 of you visit LEGO CUUSOO, less than 4 in 10 visit ReBrick. 18% visit and view only. Of the 19% of fans who sign in, just over half are actively engaged. Most of you who visit ReBrick are either light or heavy users.

We are using the survey results to better understand the community and your relationship with the LEGO products and experiences in general. We would like once again to thank you for your participation."

Image source: Brickset

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