
2 LEGO CUUSOO summer review results

SKP4472 | 18:31 | | |
The LEGO CUUSOO summer review results have been published today over at the official LEGO CUUSOO blog.

The Back To The Future DeLorean passed the review and will be produced under the set name 21103 Back to the Future Time Machine.

So far, only a preliminary model has been made and was featured in the video embedded towards the bottom of the article. The designers of the set have said that the 1% that they make on the sale of the product will be donated to the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

The Eve Rifter ship project failed due to being desribed by the LEGO CUUSOO team as being a 'more challenging business case'.

The Modular Western Town project also failed due to conflicting 'with an ongoing project at the LEGO Group'. Presumably the upcoming Disney theme, The Lone Ranger.

The Legend of Zelda project failed too, as 'multiple new element moulds would be required to create the minifigures for such a product'.

The following video has also been uploaded to YouTube and has been embedded below:

Image source: Brickipedia


  1. Yay! Results! Finally. But I would have to say about Zelda; how many new molds would it need? More or less than Ninjago? Or Chima?

  2. I am really disappointed that the Modular Western Town did not pass (as I presume many others are like me as well). I think this would have been a great mini-theme to introduce for LEGO. The Lone Ranger will be a licensed theme so by observations of the past it won’t last long, so I think this would have been a better option.


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